Saturday 27 April 2013

Vigilantism: Well what do expect LETZ GO HUNTING

Vigilantism: Well what do expect

Vigilantism, My Arse, LET ME REPEAT THAT
Vigilantism, My Arse

Letzgo Hunting- Online Peadophile Investigation Group

a group of parents who have decided enough is enough have set up an anti-paedophile organisation  called Letz's go Hunting

There are on facebook and have appeared in national meadia such as the dailymail a few peadophile- enablers you know the ones who had read a nancy friday/freud book and believe themselves to peusdo psychoanalsts have labeled them vigilantes.

(above) Offical Letzgo hunting facebook page. Over 4,000 'likes' now

Well do as he says and 'Like' the page

Who are Letzgo Hunting. Who are we?
Letzgo Hunting is a dedicated group of individuals who make it their business to flush out devious and unscrupulous individuals like paedophiles and child molesters, or anyone who may be a threat to our c
We work within the constraints of the law to expose, publicise and bring these nasty people to justice using the power of the internet and video cameras.
Wherever possible, and at every opportunity we will inform you, the general public and our supporters of our activities and ‘catches’, by publishing video, photographic, and social media messaging data on our website (, or on other social media websites as we see fit. (ie. Facebook, Youtube, Liveleak, etc).
Our ‘Hit team’ members have anonymous individual profiles and currently comprise of:
Scumm Buster, Facee Buster & Keeboo Buster.
We may add to or change these members from time to time as we see fit.
Letgo Hunting is on Twitter

When injustice becomes law, rebellion becomes duty - Thomas Jefferson.

The government does nothing to deal it peadophiles rather passively allowing by giving convicted peodophiles, light sentences try to create fake evolutionary biology theories to give basis for peadophilia and all that psyhobabble and place convicted peadophiles back in our communities, when  decent non- peadophile people do instinctly what other species do with is protect their young they are unfairly labelled vigilantes. Peadophiles by there actions have opted out of civilised society, and society has every right to recoil from the and shun them.

Pedophile lobbyists will contribute to the campaigns of politicians who will push the pedo agenda that pedos are born that way. Then pedos will lobby to get laws enacted to protect their rights. Etcetera, etcetera.
look out for my post where I discuss where the real reason behind soft sentencing for peadophiles and the 'peadophiling enabling culture', sexualisation of children and young people, and the shaming of non- peadophile people

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